Copyright Infringement

Copyright Infringement

a. Anyone who uses any copyrighted work without permission from the author, copyright owner and performer, is a violation under the Copyright Act 1987. Among the acts of copyright infringement include:

  • reproduction of any copyrighted work in any form of material through screening, game show or distribution to the public.
  • importing infringing copies of copyrighted works into Malaysia for purposes other than permitted private use;
  • making infringing copies of copyrighted works for the purpose of sale or rental to the public;
  • making infringing copies of copyrighted works for the purpose of sale or rental to the public;
  • sale, rental and distribution of any infringing copies of copyrighted works by way of trade, disclosure and offering for sale or rental;
  • possessing infringing copies for commercial purposes other than permitted private use;
  • exhibiting infringing copies of copyrighted works for commercial purposes to the public;
    1. Reference quote

b. Rights Management Information

Section 41 (1) OFFENSES

Distribute, import for distribution or communicate to the public, without permission, a work or a copy of a work in respect of which electronic rights management information has been removed or altered without permission shall be liable to conviction:-

  1. First Offense Fine not less than RM250,000 @ imprisonment not exceeding 5 years OR both;
  2. Subsequent Offense Fine of not less than RM500,000 imprisonment not exceeding 10 years OR both.